Saturday, April 19, 2014

New Piano!!!

Hello all!  I thought you all might like to know that we got a newer piano two weeks ago!

That is the old piano that I've played on my entire life.  It is somewhere between 104 - 125 years old.  The wood that was used to build it is original American chestnut.  A fungus destroyed the original American chestnut trees (which were native here) in the late 1800s to early 1900s.  We later brought chestnut trees from other countries here which is what we have today.  Thought that might be an interesting little piece of history to include incase anyone was interested. :)  The keys were ivory and ebony and a bit cracked.  I've cut my fingers on the edges a few times.  :)

This is the new piano that the Lord has provided.  
It is 25 years old or less and the keys are plastic.  No more cut fingers! :D

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I took Banjo, our dog, for a walk the other day and decided to take some pics of all the things that are starting to popup around here.  

Banjo enjoying the weather while I'm taking pics. 

Peach tree
I hope we get peaches this year!!

Apple tree

Lilac bush

Strawberry plants

These little blue flowers are one of my favorites.  And yes, I do know they are weeds.  :)

Hope you all enjoyed the pics!

Monday, April 14, 2014

God Uses Cracked Pots

I was listening to a program by Patsy Clairmont on Focus on the Family the other night and I heard an interesting thought which I thought I would share with you.

Using her words, here is how she put it:
What I saw there on the screen of my mind, was a pitcher.  The type you would pour milk from.  Down the front of it was a large crack.  I saw the Lord take his hand and scoop up light and put that light down inside of that pitcher and then cover the top of it.  And then I heard Him ask me, "Patsy, where does the light shine through?"  And I said 'Lord, the light shines through the cracks, through the broken places.'  He said "That is how I am most manifested in your life.  Not so much by what you do well naturally, but what I must accomplish in you supernaturally that others might know that I am."