"Well, here you are.
How do you feel today?
Beautiful or boring?
Well-groomed or well-worn?
Are you feeling over weight?
Or tanned and toned?
Are your friendships building you up or giving you courage?
Or have they left you raw and lonely?
Is your heart in a good place and filled with strength, or are you carrying a wilted spirit?
All to often I find that girls and women who dress immodestly are simply hiding a wilted spirit."
(Quoted from Dannah Gresh in her book "Secret Keeper Devos".)
What makes you beautiful?
Is it your hair or clothing? Or maybe it's ______ or ________ ... you fill in the blanks.
Let me ask you something: deep, deep down inside are you happy? Truly happy? Or not? Are you short term or long term happy? Do you live a life full of regret day by day? Are you lacking something? Are you a slave to lies such as 'I need a boyfriend' or 'I have to be beautiful to be accepted'.
Pause and answers these questions for yourself and then keep reading.
I'm going to touch on the subject of vocations quick and then get back to the original subject. I have a little test for you: List the following vocations in order of importance.
*Theologian (Pastor)
Fully think about each jobs responsibilities. Were you able to complete the task? Are some vocations 'more important' than others? What makes a calling noble? Answer these questions for yourself.
Be on the lookout for Are you beautiful? Post 2