Friday, April 29, 2011

The Eiffel tower

I had to build a model of the Eiffle tower for school and thought that I would post some pics I took of my "zebra striped" model that I made out of legos.

Tell me what you all think!


  1. i simply love your eiffle tower,♥
    you did an amazing job building it!

    i love playing with legos! hehe always have,but i didnt know you had such a great imagination with building things......

    Ps.i love the colorful books! they match your fish :)

  2. Two questions ....

    Is there an elevator?

    Have you read all those books??

    he he
    ♥ Mom

  3. Very cool Eiffel tower :) are your Lego’s made of iron like the real Eiffel tower :P
    Sooooo, is it right to assume your studying something about France in school????

    haha it took me a minute to realize the question mark was books. But, I must say that I love it. Lol

  4. I think it looks Legoish but its cool!

  5. I think you did a really cooooool job! As a skilled lego builder myself (or so I like to think) I do not think I could have done a job even close. And your tower is rocking those colors!!!! :D
